Cultivation of mining tradition
Historically, the development of the area where the coking plant is now located dates back to 1856. At that time, the Elisenruh property, located in the district of Bobrek in Bytom, was bought for the construction of the steelworks. The construction of the coking plant was completed three years later. After 1870, the land changed hands; as a result of transformations, a new company under the business name of Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke was founded and in 1938, a new coke oven battery was started.
The 45-chamber coke oven battery, which is currently in operation, was built after the war. It has an impressive production capacity of up to 250,000 tonnes per year.
In 2003, CARBO-KOKS company was established and took over the infrastructure of the old coking plant and some buildings of the former Bobrek steelworks to convert them into today's Koksownia Bytom Sp. z o.o.
Every day we change for the better
We believe that modernisation is the driving force of every business. With this in mind, we envision ambitious plans for the future, but at the same time, we make every effort to save jobs.
Modernised Koksownia Bytom Sp. z o.o. will soon become the supplier of electricity and heat for the Investment Development and Professional Activation Zone, which is to be established on the premises of the former Bobrek Steelworks in Bytom. Koksownia Bytom produces 73 million m3 of coke oven gas, i.e. the by-product of the production of coke (already using energy from 67% of the resources), per year. This quantity is sufficient to heat the coke oven battery and boiler house.
Once the so-called high-efficiency cogeneration system is built, our plant will recover electricity and heat from nearly 100% of the coke oven gas, supplying the surplus to investors in the zone at prices lower than grid prices.
The investments made on the premises of the former steelworks will ultimately allow us to maintain production activities and save jobs in the district and in the city; it will be extremely important to the residents once the Bobrek mine, which is still in operation, is shut down.

Our offer
The production offer of Koksownia Bytom includes various types of coke and coal-related products (coal tar). To adjust our offer to customer expectations, we offer them the possibility of negotiating individual prices. You can obtain attractive discounts and take advantage of extended payment terms.
Blast furnace coke
Industrial coke
Foundry coke
Coke breeze
Low phosphorus coke

Quality Management System ISO 9001
Total Quality Management is a concept characterised by the systemic approach, the ability to improve, orientation towards strategic objectives, and the involvement of management and the whole team. For us, the Quality Policy is an integral element of management, and its assumptions form a solid foundation of Koksownia Bytom Sp. z o.o.
To protect the environment, we constantly implement modernising and systemic measures activities - quality management system according to the PN-EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
Efficient production activity
We carry out production activities on a 45-chamber coke oven battery, which allows us to achieve an annual production volume of up to 200 thousand. tone.
100% Polish capital
Jesteśmy firmą wyjątkową wśród polskich producentów koksu. Wyróżniają nas uwarunkowania kapitałowe: jesteśmy prywatnym przedsiębiorstwem o stuprocentowym kapitale polskim, a całość udziałów znajduje się w rękach osób fizycznych.
Flexible approach
We adjust the manufactured assortment to the needs of the market, taking into account the specific requirements of even small customers.
Short reconciliation cycle
For the convenience of our customers, we offer a short cycle of agreeing on the technical and commercial conditions of coke collection and the possibility of immediate order fulfillment.